


拥有市场上最多样化的个人防护用品选择, 客户转向newbb电子平台安全,尽可能定制他们的个人防护装备. When you are looking to spread the message about your brand, we're here to help make that happen.

它从来没有像今天这样简单,在newbb电子上添加公司的标志或文字. At our global distribution headquarters, located outside Memphis, TN, we customize safety glasses, hi-vis服装, FR服装, 还有工作手套. Our next several sections highlight how customer imprinting works for each of newbb电子平台安全's products.


Our overall capabilities include the following:

  • Traditional silk screen printing
  • Reflective and full-color heat transfers
  • 移印
  • Embroidery and embroidered patches

    工人所需的个人防护装备取决于所从事的行业和工作. 别担心,我们定制所有newbb电子平台newbb电子平台类别. Before we jump into each one, let us highlight the advantages to custom logo safety gear.


    Advantages To A Logo Imprinted

    定制品牌个人防护装备不仅仅是广告. 当然, if you are marketer, 你已经在推销品牌个人防护用品了,其他人都会看到,但是, 当谈到那些在工作现场锻炼的人, 定制个人防护装备之所以有意义,原因有很多. 以下是定制newbb电子有益的所有原因.

    • Helps customers easily identify employees
    • 定制的个人防护装备培养了整个公司员工的自豪感
    • newbb电子 is treated with a higher level of value, ensuring products last longer than standard newbb电子.
    • 帮助工人识别哪些设备属于谁在工作现场
    • 提高安全意识,就像我们的手表手套
    • 公司希望他们的个人防护装备上印有自己的品牌.

    Also, branded newbb电子 of our latest offerings makes great company promotional gifts! We touch on this topic more in the next section.

    Promotional Products

    Promoting a company's identity and message in the marketplace doesn't have to end with the latest company's advertisement. It can be carried across the entire workforce, meeting your customer face-to-face.

    Promotional Marketing

    Promotional Branding


    最后, promotional newbb电子 products are excellent products for employees to hand out at tradeshows and events, 客户访问, 等. When giving away custom newbb电子 to customers, you're promoting your brand and equipping someone with a product that protects them from workplace hazards. Think of what they'll think of your company when that safety glass protects their eyes from a flying object. 他们的余生都会记住你!

    所以,你为什么不推广你的品牌,而不是newbb电子平台安全品牌? Companies utilize numerous types of promotional products to support the brand: promotional pens, 咖啡杯, 卷尺, and countless other products. 为什么不定制像个人防护装备这样的产品,同时保证工人的安全呢? We discuss this more below.

    Custom Imprinting Process

    We customize newbb电子 all the time with the company's logos, slogans, and brand names. 或者,也许你对t恤的标志设计有了一个新的想法. No problem, our inside team can advise you of your options throughout the process. 这非常简单,所以让我们带你完成整个过程.


    一旦我们收到您的定制印记newbb电子订单, our service design team will work with you to create artwork representing the product being purchased. 以下是定制newbb电子平台安全newbb电子所涉及的所有步骤:

    1. 第1步
      Choose your product.
    2. 2 . -
      Place your order with a preferred distributor.
    3. 3 . -
    4. 4 .
      我们将创建与您的艺术品产品的复制图像. 允许我们周围请允许4-5天来创建自定义艺术品.
    5. 5 . -
      Approve the file sent
    6. 6 . -
      In 7-10 days, depending on the product, you’ll will be wearing your customized newbb电子 with pride!

    Now, let’s jump into each product category.

    Work Glove Imprinting

    Industry professionals have worn newbb电子平台安全’s leather work gloves and cotton gloves since the 1970s.  In the 21st century, you can have them personalized with your logo or custom imprinted with your unique message!

    皮革 Glove Logo Transfer Process

    Nylon glove imprinting process


    Industry professionals have worn newbb电子平台安全’s leather work gloves and cotton gloves since the 1970s.  In the 21st century, you can have them personalized with your logo or custom imprinted with your unique message!

    Work Glove Imprinting-Image

    定制d 安全眼镜

    定制d 安全眼镜-1

    What could be better than protecting your eyes with custom Z87 safety glasses? Showing off that company logo is how! Imprinting newbb电子平台安全 glasses with your personalized text or logo is an excellent option for those wanting a custom look. 而且,你猜怎么着,定制打印安全眼镜是我们的专长. 每年,我们都会生产超过100万副个性化安全眼镜.

    With over 500 unique frame and lens options, we are sure to have the safety glasses you wall to wear. All we need from you is camera-ready artwork, your preferred colors, 还有我们的一个经销商合作伙伴的订货.


    Imprinted safety glasses


    Imprinted safety glasses drying


    Imprint orders have a lead-time of around ten working days for reruns and 15 working days for first-time imprints. 可单色和多色印刷. 对于我们所有的安全玻璃压印选项,以及具体的细节



    Imagine all your workers wearing Hi-Vis apparel, and also advertising your company. Well, it can be done in a matter of no time! 保安和执法人员定制他们的装备, 为什么建筑公司或制造工厂不能这样做呢?


    在大多数服装的左前区域印刷的标志看起来很棒. 对于那些喜欢巨大标志的人来说,它在背面会更好看. 记住,你在衣服上添加的每一个标志都是额外的成本, 但不要让这阻止你推广双方. 您会惊讶地发现定制个人防护装备是多么便宜.






    Hi-Viz t恤




    Hi-Viz Rain Jacket




    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests

    定制的飞行员夹克在冬季非常流行! 为赠品, your customers or employees will only be thinking positive thoughts about you when staying warm.

    With a wide variety of colors, 配置, and sizes available, 我们肯定有一件你想穿的衣服. 定制d hi-vis t-shirts, especially the moisture-wicking kind, are always popular during the hot summer months. How much do custom t-shirts cost? 请求报价, and we will get you all the information required to complete the transaction.



    Put your logo here


    我们生产个人防护装备已经有40多年了. 在此期间,我们在各种各样的产品上创建了徽标. Here is a look at some.

    There is no better way to protect workers or advertise a company than someone wearing newbb电子 with your logo on it — especially if it looks amazing on the person! If you are having any reservations about the process, costs, time involved, don't worry.

    Common Logo Questions


    How do I make a logo to imprint on a jacket?
    We can’t speak for everyone here, but we imprint on both the front and back of garments. 我们采用丝网印刷和热转印技术.

    Where can I imprint a logo?
    It all depends on the product. 安全眼镜通常印在角落里, 而许多服装印痕将位于背面.

    What are logo imprinted products?
    In our case newbb电子, it's a product made with your logo, making it the perfect product!

    How to remove logo stamp from leather gloves?
    It depends on the quality of the glove. However, we don't recommend doing this on newbb电子, as it may hurt the product's structural integrity.

    Is it possible to custom design safety glasses?
    Yes, we’ve highlighted our logo program above. If you’re thinking of creating your very own new safety glass only your company has access to, leave us a comment above.

    How to find custom leather gloves?
    您可以在我们的手套印记部分要求报价. We will get you in contact with a distributor who will be able to process your order. 请随时给我们留下关于您的具体需求的评论或问题.

    How to imprint logo on leather?



    It sure would be nice if FR clothing came with a customized company logo on the apparel. 你猜怎么着? We've got you covered! At newbb电子平台安全, we provide embroidery and personalization services for most FR garments at our main U.S. distribution facility outside Memphis, TN.

    We've recently updated our embroidery equipment and can print on a variety of products, primarily FR服装.



    有了今天的现代技术,工人的安全装备能说话吗? Is it possible to have dangerous hazards and situations communicated before they even occur? Could real-time data guide employee behavior? 所有这一切都有可能与newbb电子平台安全newbb电子供电 Corvex™ 技术!

    As we highlight in our blog, The Age of 聪明的个人防护用品 Technology, we only need to know the hazards your company faces and can introduce additional newbb电子 styles powered with Corvex™ 技术.

    Custom newbb电子 From Scratch-1

    Custom newbb电子 – From Scratch

    There is no one single recipe that creates all the tasty dishes we love eating. 说到个人防护装备和保护人们免受工作场所危害, 没有一个单一的条款可以保护所有的工人.

    Is there newbb电子 you need based on the application performed, and we don't stock it? 也许你的员工需要我们的XS尺寸的手套. Or, perhaps you would like to add a cut-resistant liner to a glove or added reinforcement to a glove. 对于特殊的危险,通常需要定制保护. 值得庆幸的是, we manufacture our product, 也就是说我们可以根据你的需要定制任何个人防护装备. +, we're in the business of protecting people, 这意味着我们几乎可以制造出任何你需要的产品.

    定制newbb电子的一个例子是我们为公用事业行业制作的962手套. We incorporated reinforced rugged 杜邦公司注册在芳族聚酰胺纤维商品上的注册商标 and silicone directly onto the palm due to requests that came from that industry.

    从头开始定制newbb电子有一些最低要求. 然而,不要让那阻止你向我们伸出援手. 考虑一下这个, that custom cut-resistant glove you need may be the difference between someone suffering a permanent lifelong injury and coming home in one piece. We will be happy to assist and answer any questions you have regarding this program.









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